Wednesday, July 14, 2010


The true inspiration for my blog is the beautiful, fun loving, over the moon happy little girl I nanny for, of which I will simply call G. She is obviously a little meat eater (hence the name of my blog) and over the past, let’s say year (she wasn’t eating much before that) I have been in the kitchen cooking her many a various meat dishes. I’m sure there are some who can’t possibly imagine me, a vegetarian, making meatballs with my bare-hands, as I could barely recognize myself during the process. One of those people in particular would be my boyfriend of nearly eight years whom has never found me preparing him my apparently delicious turkey meatballs (sorry love!). Since I began working with children six years ago, I have witnessed family eating habits ranging from the oh so terribly bad to the oh so terribly too healthy. Yes, even as a vegetarian I think you can be too health conscious. During this time I have also worked at becoming a better cook myself, though I obviously haven’t put in enough effort as I still have not perfected my Aunt Diane’s baked macaroni and cheese! Though I know small NYC apartments are partially to blame for my lack of skill, I am determined to make this the year I at least become more confidant in the kitchen. Through this blog I hope to explore my views on cooking, eating, the thought process that occurs in between and to document my experiences along the way!

Side note: Technically I am a pescetarian meaning I eat seafood and dairy products. However, I call myself a vegetarian for several reasons. 1) Most people whom I utter pescetarian to look at me like I have ten heads. 2) It sounds more pretentious. 3) If I fail to inform people that I don’t eat meat, I will most definitely be served meat.


  1. This is very cool Poop!!

    Your choice of of food has certainly evolve over the years...seems like yesterday you were eating wicker coffee tables and moms shoes...we (mostly me) called you "Jaws". Don't forget you were once a carnivore once, "G" has time!

  2. I'm thrilled that my mac and cheese dish was recognized in your blog! I can't wait for nana to read it.

  3. Natalie, you are doing a great job with this. I'm enjoying it.
